For your convenience we have prepared a checklist for team managers.
Read all tournament information (rules, policies, format, etc) HERE
Register for the Coastal FC Thanksgiving Classic
Complete the payment process
Within 1 Month of Event
BC teams make sure any Short Term Event Player Permits you need are sent to BC Soccer by one week prior to your game date the form is available by emailing us HERE
BC teams make sure you have received proper permission for all guest players playing with your team for the event. The form is available HERE
Once forms are filled out send to us HERE
Within 1 Week of Event
Tournament schedule will be released 7-10 days prior to the tournament start date
Send game schedule to parents/players
Send field maps to players/parents
upload your official team game day roster on your team dashboard
To upload documents to your team dashboard:
**You must be listed as the Team Manager on the dashboard or you will not see the upload butto​n

Click where it says "Edit survey".
There will be a link to download the template and a button to upload the roster.
Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and save before you leave the page.
All teams must upload their roster before they can play.
Any questions please contact us HERE